PACE Clients To Participate In Gobble Gobble Give Event This Thanksgiving


One of the key components of the recovery is the concept of selfless service. At PACE Recovery Center we believe it is vitally important to help our clients to learn about the value of having a positive impact on their community.

We have found that service work helps our clients to gain a sense of self-pride and this in turn allows for an opportunity to enrich the lives of others. This Thanksgiving PACE clients are participating in the Gobble Gobble Give Thanksgiving Charity Event to feed the homeless. This event helps to feed 600 homeless individuals and provides basic living necessities such as shoes, sweaters, beanies, and tooth brush kits.

We know that as the clients at our addiction recovery center help provide hope to others it will help them realize the positive changes they are making in their own lives.

Wishing you all a beautiful and peaceful Thanksgiving.